mcma logo full (2)

Oasis Square, Oasis Damansara,
Petaling Jaya, Selangor


+(60)3 7859 0920
[email protected]


MCMA Profile

Malaysian Cable Manufacturers Association – MCMA (Formerly known as Malaysia Electric Cable & Wires Association – MECWA) was established in 1980 comprising manufacturers of power and telecommunication cables and conductors with the objective, among others, as follows:

i) To bring together manufacturers of power and telecommunication cables with the  objective of enhancing the reputation of the industry as a responsible and ethical association of manufacturers.

ii) To bring about a degree of cooperation between manufactures, to improve the efficiency of the industry, the standard of products and sales service to the market,

iii) To actively promote the presence and representation of MCMA in the Malaysia cable and wire industry through constant liaison and meetings with the relevant officials of the specific ministries, government agencies and authorities such as:

  • related ministries i.e. Ministry of Finance, Ministry of International Trade and Industries (MITI).
  • Government/Quasi Government Bodies i.e. SIRIM, MIDA, ST, TNB, TMB, Jabatan Standards, MATRADE.
  • Chambers of Commerce.
  • Related trade associations.
  • International cable industries representatives.
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mcma office
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iv) To participate in conference/forum organized by the Government in relation to plans/strategies/dialogue or any other matters concerning the development of the local cable and wire industry.

v) To promote the products of MCMA under the Buy Malaysian Campaign – conduct seminars on range of products; usage and technical aspects (including quality) of product; competitiveness of products; and services provided by members to user/buyer groups like utility companies, contractors, wholesalers, etc. This should include new/variant products developed by members.

vi) To organize and/or participate in overseas trade missions for potential export market of members’ products and/or for members’ investment plans. No objection Letter (NOL) governing body.

vii) To participate in any National Standards bodies to help set or influence both National and Regional Standards through Suruhanjaya Tenaga (Energy Commission), Standards Writing Organization (SWO) with SIRIM, Jabatan Standards.

viiI) To keep the members aware of the possible impact of AFTA/TPPA/WTO on the industry and to ensure the Government is informed of any possible damages.

We meet regularly each month to exchange views, resolve issues and adopt measures for mutual benefits.

At the same time, we also have dialogues with the relevant government bodies concerning issues such as tariff protection for telecommunication cables (ITA), protection for XLPE cables, Standards, and Specifications, ST licensing, Becoming the Standards Writing Organization (SWO) for the cable industry at SIRIM, Approved Permits (AP) by consumers and related industries, etc.


mcma org chart

Malaysian Cables Standard (MS)

List of references to Malaysia references for cable standard